Y:Cube: Rogers’ return to the prefab home

Sir Richard Rogers’ innovative offsite housing concept has been held up as a potential solution to the housing crisis, providing compact and affordable flats for sites not normally suitable for development. Stephen Cousins reports. The UK housing crisis, that so... View Article

How to rapidly meet environmental standards

Jim Gowan, design manager at Actavo | Building Solutions, explains how to rapidly meet environmental standards using modern construction methods. He has worked in the offsite and modular sector for over ten years. Back in 1998, a government report ‘Rethinking... View Article

Alternative paints can tick all the boxes

What do you look for in a paint? Performance and aesthetics, for sure. But what about sustainability? Environmental and health benefits? Is it possible to tick all the boxes? Until relatively recently, the answer was no. But a new generation... View Article
Beating the UK climate with correct render choice

Beating the UK climate with correct render choice

With severe weather events becoming more frequent in the UK, more detailed consideration of the type of materials we specify and their capability to withstand a climate that is so unpredictable is crucial. By Steven Keitley, general manager, Parex Render... View Article

Introducing Biosolar

Deciding between a green roof and photovoltaics (PV) has been a question faced by many industry professionals over recent years when designing a flat roof; however these two technologies are no longer mutually exclusive options with the introduction of biosolar... View Article

Specifying timber for your project’s exterior

Nick Taylor, managing director at Silva Timber discusses what to consider when specifying timber products including species, sustainability and finishing. Wood is natures most versatile and unique material. The fact that it has been used in building for hundreds, even... View Article

Making an entrance better by design

The debate of form and function has long been raging in architecture. Here we speak to Kaz Spiewakowski, managing director of GEZE UK, about whether aesthetics and function are mutually exclusive when it comes to making an entrance. Entrances and... View Article

Inclusive building design under the spotlight

By Kelvin Grimes, project manager for ‘away from home’ assisted accessible toilets at Clos-o-Mat. As a result of developments in the past couple of months alone, architects need to be even more aware of accessibility and inclusivity in their design... View Article
Blending fire safety with aesthetics

Blending fire safety with aesthetics

Steve Bond, customer support manager, fire products, at Pilkington United Kingdom Limited, explores how developments in glazing are enabling businesses to meet fire safety regulations without compromising on design or energy performance. Arguably the first consideration for architects, before aesthetics or... View Article
Home Defence force: effective flood defence measures explained

Home Defence force: effective flood defence measures explained

How architects can keep the planning authorities happy and homeowners reassured, by adopting simple, cost effective flood defence measures to both new builds or as ‘retrofits’ to existing properties, explains Frank Kelly, leading flood design engineer the founder of Flood... View Article

Just another day at the office

Trevor Bowers, director at Washroom Washroom, which has carried out a number of high profile office washroom projects in recent years, discusses the key trends which have helped shape today’s office washroom. Far from seeing the death of the office... View Article
Student accommodation: Living in hope

Living in Hope

Rising numbers of students and increasing demand for better accommodation in Liverpool have led to a .boom in purpose-built developments in the city centre that shows no sign of slowing. There are now 50,000 students studying in Liverpool, drawn to... View Article
Eye-catching academy is vital to regeneration scheme

Eye-catching academy is vital to regeneration scheme

Ray Philpott finds out how a well thought-out free academy in inner-city Leeds manages to look so strikingly different despite working to the rigours of the Government’s school building programme. When it opens for business next year, the Ryder Architecture-designed... View Article
HVAC: Climate control for students – netMAGmedia Ltd 

Climate control for students

When constructing or refurbishing educational buildings, the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system is key to providing an optimal living and learning environment. As David Simoes, brand manager with Zehnder explains, a good system means students can work, rest... View Article
Installing canopies & shelters in an educational environment

Installing canopies and shelters in an educational environment

Installing products like canopies and shelters in schools can be both challenging and rewarding, but what are the main considerations when installing in an educational environment? SAS Shelters Managing Director Andy Swain shares his insights into manufacturing and installing products... View Article

Putting education on a firm footing

Guy Stanton, director, Nora Flooring Systems UK, highlights some of the useful qualities of rubber floor coverings in the educational environment. The physical environment has a strong influence on learning and with floor coverings forming a major component within the... View Article