The long history of VMZINC provides examples of projects where zinc has been in place for over 100 years. This project data is supplemented by the BRE EN15804 Environmental Product Declaration that references a service life of 100 years. A durable material with limited maintenance needs not only correct design but also appropriate installation. Since 2014 VMZINC has been operating the VMZINC@WORK partner program. The program supplies added training to already skilled hard metal contractors thus further driving up quality and workmanship.
Back in the 19th century mill finish natural zinc was invariably fitted onto vented wooden boarding and this can still be used. However, designers have many more options to choose from today. Finishes include pre-weathered zinc ranging from middle grey QUARTZ-ZINC to darker ANTHRA-ZINC as well as a range of zinc with a discrete colour added to the pre-weathering, seven standard finishes now exist in the PIGMENTO range. Finally, engraved AZENGAR is yet another choice for consideration.
Other options include the type of wall and roof build up to be used. The traditional vented system is still valid however warm roof non vented build ups are becoming more common. Warm roof construction improves air tightness and reduces thermal bridging, it also allows the main elements of the roof to be non or of limited combustibility following EN13501, A1 and A2. It should be noted that both vented and non-vented roofs are covered by BS 476-3 and CEN/TS 1187 Brooft4 for no flame penetration or spread. Where the core materials used in a façade must be A1 or A2 which is typically the case for residential buildings above 11m in height, plywood should be avoided and can be replaced with metal decks and / or rails depending on the zinc system being used. Combined with a mineral board insulation and appropriate fire stops a compliant façade can easily be created.
Panel types also vary considerably. For roofing the choice is mostly limited to long panels joined using a 25mm standing seam or a timber batten flashed with a zinc cap. Both these systems must be installed at a minimum slope, as built of 3 degrees. The number of options for walls is far greater, with flat lock, recessed joints and obviously standing seam joints all being possible. Panels can also be linear, both horizontally and vertically installed but also orientated at an angle and be square or diamond in shape.
If you would like any further information including samples or an online RIBA accredited CPD please do not hesitate to contact us:
Tel: 0203 445 5640