Vortex Shutters protect vandalised restaurant against attack

Located in a popular street in central London, the Mangio Pasta restaurant is favoured by both tourists and locals. However, the large glass windows at the front of the premises were frequently being targeted by vandals. Repairs were expensive for such a large expanse of glass so the owners contacted CGT Security to see what could be done.

Managing Director, Roger Humphreys explains:

“The glass was being continually broken after closing hours, and security shutters were the most obvious solution. However, as the building is located in the shadow of St. Paul’s Cathedral, City of London Corporation were concerned about the visual impact of shutters”.

The Vortex+ shutters were presented as the patented lath design allows the security shutter to roll more compactly, creating significantly smaller roll zones and hood box.  The Council requested detailed drawings to support the planning application, with the discreet box size being pivotal in the decision.

Vortex+ shutters reduce the roll size by 50% compared to a standard shutter and have a self-locking capability, as well as LPS 1175 certification from the independent Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB).

For Mangio Pasta this was their optimal solution, giving them the security they needed but still meeting the aesthetic standards required by the local council.

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