TRADECC partnership puts Newton Waterproofing in the lead for UK injection resin projects

Newton Waterproofing, the UK’s leading independent designers and suppliers of guaranteed waterproofing systems, has become the go-to UK company for injection resins, thanks to a thriving partnership with Belgian injection resin specialists TRADECC.

Having been partnered with TRADECC since 2019, the Tonbridge-based company has trained their nationwide network of waterproofing contractors to also install TRADECC’S injection resin products.

Now, Newton can also provide its customers with access to the entire TRADECC range of high-quality, specialist products for water sealing, soil consolidation, structural repair, and concrete repair.

Formed in the 1990’s, TRADECC are expert manufacturers and distributors of a wide range of innovative construction chemicals for waterproofing, water sealing, soil stabilisation, structural repairs, and structural reinforcement, and their products have been distributed and installed on large-scale construction and tunnelling projects worldwide.

Most recently, Newton Specialist Contractor ASF Waterproofing used TRADECC’s PC Leakinject UNI 6816 E polyurethane resin to repair structural leaks in the Limehouse Link Tunnel, a major London commuter tunnel.

This resin is now exclusively available in the UK from Newton Waterproofing, and when injected, reacts to form a strong hard seal in structural cracks and joints, stemming the flow of water and returning the structure to full working order.

Newton Waterproofing Managing Director Warren Muschialli comments:

“The combination of Newton’s expertise and TRADECC’s product range will deliver huge benefits to any UK project looking for expert injection products and support.”

“We’ve got decades of waterproofing experience behind us, and that, combined with TRADECC’s expertise and high-quality product range, positions us as the go-to company in the UK for injection resins.”

For the right waterproofing help and advice with your next project, contact Newton Waterproofing on 01732 360 095 or email