The perfect retrofit solution – SIEGENIA extols the benefits of single room heat recovery (SRHR) units.

SIEGENIA’s ventilation portfolio comprises SRHR units, a convenient through-the-wall product designed to ventilate and improve indoor air quality on a room-by-room basis. They are installed in the same way as a conventional fan but, crucially, have an integrated heat exchanger which significantly reduces heat losses, making them a much more energy-efficient solution.

How do they work? In extract mode, the integral ceramic heat exchanger collects and stores heat from the extracted stale air. In supply mode, this heat is transferred to the incoming clean fresh air supply before entering the room. Around 30% of heat lost from homes is through conventional extract ventilation.  Replacing conventional fans with SRHR units, such as SIEGENIA’s AEROTUBE WRG smart, can reduce these heat losses by as much as 90%. Thus the end user benefits from a constant supply of warmed fresh air in winter and stale air extraction whilst keeping heat losses to a minimum. And with an A+ rating, AEROTUBE WRG consumes on average 3 Watts of energy, so a multi-unit install can be left continuously running without having to worry about electricity costs.   

Whole-house vent systems can often be a headache for planners, as fitting of a centralised HRV system involves extensive time-consuming and expensive building strip-outs and duct installation. In contrast, with just one core drill hole through the wall per unit, a highly-efficient decentralised whole-house HRV system of SRHR units can be achieved quickly and simply on a room-by-room basis or as required for the perfect retrofit solution. Units can be interconnected if required and linked to WLAN for convenient control. This modular approach means units are perfect for energy-efficiency refurbs and their flexibility allows designers to tailor systems and airflow rates much more precisely on a room-by-room basis to suit the occupant’s needs.

For more information on the AEROTUBE WRG contact SIEGENIA at or call 024 76622 000.