Stelrad launches new CPD covering towel rail radiators

Stelrad Radiators has announced the launch of its latest CIBSE and RIBA approved CPD courses covering the subject matter of towel rail radiators. It can be found at

This new CPD course will help attendees understand the history and background behind the evolution of the central heating system and the use of tubular radiators. It will cover how a modern radiator and a tubular radiator works through both radiant and convected heat and enable them to understand the different radiator types available and understand the industry terminology. It will help them to understand the different processes involved when painting or chrome plating a tubular radiator. And finally, it will help them to identify when and how to install tubular radiators.

The UK market for tubular radiators is around the one million mark, so a not an unsubstantial slice of the marketplace – it’s certainly more than simply a niche market nowadays.

“By introducing this new CPD course we’re responding to requests from specifiers, architects and designers who want to know more about towel rail radiators and offering a comprehensive response covering every aspect of their history, design and use,” says Stelrad’s Head of Marketing Chris Harvey. “In these strange times we appreciate that face to face presentations may not be possible, but we are happy to arrange presentations online via Teams or Zoom to help individuals reach their CPD hours targets.”

To request a CPD or to find out more about this new CPD, please contact the Stelrad Marketing team by calling 01709 572279, emailing or heading for