SIEGENIA’s new tamperproof AEROPAC is the perfect ventilation solution for schools

The AEROPAC offers installers and specifiers a non-disruptive through-the-wall ventilation solution for classrooms. Installation is quick and simple requiring no additional ducting and can be used as a stand-alone unit, as part of a multi-unit system or to complement existing ventilation.  The new tamperproof model is commissioned and pre-programmed on site and, as the name suggests, cannot be tampered with or adjusted by inquisitive fingers.

Why we need to consider the impact of poor IAQ and noise pollution on our children’s education

In the UK, approximately 12 million students spend a third of their formative years in education. The vast proportion of this time is spent inside the classroom. With average class sizes of 27, these students are exposed to higher levels of air pollutants than when outside and more importantly, prolonged exposure to CO2.

Additionally, noise pollution in urban environments has received renewed focus from the European Environmental Agency (EEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) over the last decade. A variety of independent studies led to changes in the guideline for community noise issued by the WHO in 2018.

What are the effects of poor IAQ and high CO2?

Indoor air quality has been found to negatively impact concentration and productivity levels within offices and classrooms. Research by Harvard University in 2016 found “statistically significant declines” in cognitive function scores when CO2 concentrations were increased to 950 ppm, which is “common in indoor spaces”. The study found even larger declines when CO2 was raised to 1,400 ppm.

This issue is a particular problem in the UK, as 1000s of schools are situated in areas with illegal air pollution levels. In order to combat air pollution in schools, the government introduced Building Bulletin 101(BB101): Guidelines on Ventilation, Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality in Schools.

BB93 and Noise Pollution

These schools built in highly polluted areas also pose their own noise challenges, meaning simply opening windows isn’t an option.  In the UK, legislation governing noise and acoustic conditions in schools, known as BB93, was introduced in January 2003 and updated in February 2015 detailing the upper limit for indoor ambient noise level of 35dB for new build and 40dB for refurbishment.

Why SIEGENIA’s NEW tamperproof sound-absorbing AEROPAC should be considered

AEROPAC has been successfully installed, providing hundreds of thousands of active vents in clean air and noise reduction schemes in proximity to roads, airports and train stations across the UK and Europe due to its high sound absorption performance and low inherent noise.

The unit provides cost-effective ventilated air at volumes up to 160 m³/hr (44 l/s) whilst also attenuating external noise by 50 dB(A).  Operating at 60 m³/hr, AEROPAC consumes just 5 Watts and runs at an astonishingly quiet 20 dB(A). The standard unit comes with an active carbon filter to remove volatile organic components (VOCs), odours, and other gaseous pollutants from the air. In addition, NOx and pollen filters can be specified. NOx can be problematic in areas of increased traffic and is especially concentrated where schools are located near busy roads. Here the levels present indoors are often much higher than the recommended acceptable levels.

For more information on the AEROPAC tamperproof ventilation unit contact SIEGENIA on 024 7662 2000 or email

Company website – AEROPAC:
SIEGENIA’s AERO range brochure: