With the importance of healthy air clearer than ever, the SIEGENIA’s single room heat recovery vents provide a great solution for those winter months spent indoors.
As we head through autumn and into winter, the topic of ventilation in terms of halting the spread of COVID-19 is gaining traction. As the lockdown is lifted somewhat, sufficient ventilation in enclosed spaces will be key to keeping inhabitants safe and in inspiring confidence in potential visitors.
There has been advice that single room fresh air ventilation should be preferred to centralised systems that merely move the stale air from room to room. According to the Chartered Institution of Building Engineers’ (CIBSE) response to the health crisis: “Recirculation of air between spaces, rooms or zones occupied by different people should be avoided”. That’s why SIEGENIA’s single room vent units offer a great solution, not only in terms of cost and ease of installation, but also in health terms.
What is a single room heat recovery unit (SRHR)?
Ventilating rooms is critical in order to maintain a healthy home environment. A good ventilation system helps remove moisture and odours as well as expelling pollutants and bacteria. A conventional extract-only fan achieves this, however in doing so it also extracts the warmth from your home. The Open University calculated that 1/3rd of the heat lost in our home is through conventional extract ventilation.
SIEGENIA’s SRHR units limit these heat losses by way of an inline heat exchange. The heat exchanger in their AEROTUBE unit, for example, is 90% efficient. So unlike a conventional fan, the AEROTUBE retains 90% of the heat within a room.
SIEGENIA’s SRHR units can also be installed in each room of the property to create a decentralised heat recovery system. This configuration will keep heat losses to a minimum whilst providing optimum ventilation.
Up to now, centralised systems requiring complex ducting have often been the first that have come to mind in terms of ventilation systems. So it is good for specifiers to know that alternative solutions are available that require only a core drill hole for installation through the wall and, being single room units, can be individually controlled to suit each space.
SIEGENIA offers a number of units that have heat recovery capabilities. The aforementioned AEROTUBE WRG can switch between air supply and extraction and is notable for its small, discreet look, as well as its extremely high heat recovery rate. Meanwhile their AEROVITAL and AEROLIFE units offer great sound absorption, low inherent noise and allergy filtration.
For more information on SIEGENIA’s SRHR units, please contact info-uk@siegenia.com or call 024 7662 2000.