Newton Waterproofing saves double basement failure in Notting Hill


Newton Waterproofing and their Specialist Contractor Stonehouse have delivered an exceptional waterproofing design and installation for a large, two-level basement in Notting Hill, resulting in a stunning watertight and guaranteed new living space beneath the home.

The UK’s leading suppliers of guaranteed waterproofing systems were approached by the desperate client who had had a second basement level excavated beneath their existing basement as well as the front and rear gardens.

Unfortunately, bad waterproofing design and workmanship meant the basement had flooded immediately upon completion – the builder ceased trading and, following a legal case, the architect and structural engineer were found culpable.

Newton Waterproofing Managing Director Warren Muschialli comments:

“Newton recommended our specialist contractor Stonehouse in order to assess the failure and propose a comprehensive solution.

“The experts at Stonehouse identified a litany of issues, from the weak, permeable structure to the lack of continuous waterproofing between levels, the inadequate pumping system, the blocked cavity drain system, and the non-existent external deck waterproofing and drainage, amongst others.”

Once structural reinforcement had taken place, Stonehouse proceeded by reinforcing dry pack joints with HydroSeal 313-WP and HydroSeal 103 2K, sealing voids and structural weaknesses with Newton Injection Resins, and preparing all internal surfaces before spraying HydroSeal 103 2K.

They then adhered insulation beneath soffits, providing an integral vapour barrier, installed a full Newton CDM System with a dedicated Titan-Pro sump chamber, dual NP750 pumps and Victron battery backup protection.

Finally, both decks were waterproofed with Newton’s liquid primers and membranes, overlaid and protected by a NewSeal 408 DeckDrain membrane.

Stonehouse Managing Director Graham Stone comments:

“This was probably the most technically challenging project Stonehouse have ever undertaken. But with clients who wanted no future risk of water ingress, we were able to design and install a robust, durable solution utilising the full range of Newton Waterproofing products to prevent water ingress from all conceivable directions.

“As a result, the client can finally enjoy the vast space below their house with the reassurance of our long-term guarantee.”

Warren concludes:

“We are very proud to have been involved in this project from the start. Stonehouse delivered an exceptional waterproofing design and installation for the client, who now has a watertight and guaranteed two-level basement beneath their home, that they can enjoy in full for the first time in many years.”

For more information, contact Newton Waterproofing on 01732 360 095 or