You have a lot to think about when investing in a property. Many people choose a home based on the size or location; however, style is also important, especially if you have an interest in architecture. Victorian-era properties are spacious with a classic feel, and they can be found in some of the most unlikely places. The British empire put up these homes whenever they conquered a new realm. If you are in the market for a house like this, consider exploring the following locations.
East Bay
San Francisco is renowned for its steep slopes and towering homes. However, did you know that these homes are of Victorian design? They may have a more colorful exterior than you are used to but make no mistake. These are definitely of Victorian origin.
While America never fell under British rule, San Francisco became the first US city to copy the roomy architecture style of their old rivals. These homes are common all throughout this city, especially in East Bay. A lot of East Bay real estate is made up of these classic houses, and you will find that many former residents have expanded upon the design to create what is known as East Bay luxury homes. Therefore, you do not have to leave the USA to find this type of home.
Of course, anyone looking to buy a Victorian property should look to the source. Almost all the homes in central London were built using Victorian architecture as this was the era when the city began to expand into the broad capital city it is today.
The biggest Victorian estate in London can be found in a place known as Willesden Green. This is a pricey part of the city, though, so you may want to look elsewhere if you are looking to buy your first property. Fortunately, there are also Victorian homes in places like Finchley, Camden, and Chelsea.
The aim behind a lot of Victorian Architecture was to build homes that could retain the heat. That is why you may be surprised to find this style reaching across to Australia. This country was once a key pillar of the British empire, so it only makes sense that these types of homes can be found in this part of the world. However, the Australian model of these homes has one key difference.
You are always likely to see Victorian houses in a terraced formation. This is one way that designers can ensure that the heat does not escape. In Australia, this is not a necessary feature, which is why many of these properties are free-standing. Therefore, you end up with large, intricately designed Victorian estate homes in this part of the world.
As you can see, Victorian architecture comes in all shapes and sizes. You don’t have to settle for a home in England to settle down in one of these properties either. This style is popular for a reason, which is why you can see it spread out across the globe in a variety of locations.