Have questions about the new Part L requirements?

The updated Part L Building Regulations is milestone legislation designed to improve the energy performance of new-build homes and existing buildings in England and Wales.

Implemented in June 2022, the amended Part L regulations, which cover the conservation of fuel and power, have been described as the documents’ biggest shake-up for a decade. There is no doubt of the need for an uplift in energy standards to reduce emissions and tackle the effects of climate change – but what does it mean for the building industry and how can the revised energy standards be met? The Road to Net Zero answers each of these questions and more.

This enlightening guide, devised by our expert technical teams, offers a clear, concise explanation of the revised Part L legislation for England, Wales and Scotland (where Section 6 applies). It also showcases a range of insulation products with good thermal performance to help you make the right choices and ensure regulation compliance for your next building project.

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