Green-tech has announced that their new 2021 product catalogue is now printed and available for all their customers, landscape contractors, architects and garden designers across the UK.
The catalogue is packed with over 16,000 products for tree planting in rural and urban environments, tree irrigation, ground, wind, weed and erosion control; as well as soils, growing media and barks, wildflower seed and conservation products, pond suppliers and grounds maintenance.
Green-tech’s Managing Director Rachel Kay commented,
“Our 2021 product catalogue is crammed with thousands of tried and tested forestry and landscaping products. We review our product lines continually and only those that live up to our customers’ expectations make it into our catalogue. We listen to our customers and work hard to ensure we hold enough stock to fulfil orders, often the next day; with all the landscaping products they will need for their project. We are very much a one-stop-shop supplier.”
The catalogue features several new product lines. These include a Tree Irrigator – a slow release watering bag for trees which can be installed after the tree has been planted.
There is also a new Eco Tree Planting Package which offers an environmentally-friendly alternative to plastic tree planting products, where the visual impact on the environment is of paramount importance. The package includes gt Greenguard compostable tube, heavy duty bamboo cane, Ecomatt Bio and bamboo pegs.
The company has introduced three new products to help combat the current pandemic. These include Clean Shield, a multi-surface cleaner; effective against 99.9 per cent of bacteria, spores, viruses and fungi including Covid-19; Spotless tank cleaner, a cleaning and decontamination agent for spraying tanks, spraying equipment and general-purpose cleaning; and a Van Kit containing on-the-road health and safety necessities stored in a handy kit bag to keep in your van or wagon cab.
Green-tech mails a copy of their catalogue to around 5000 of their customers. In an effort to reduce their footprint; they will contribute to a carbon capture scheme that mitigates the CO2 emissions created in the print process.
Each year Green-tech donates to charity for each catalogue distributed. This years’ beneficiary is Henshaws, a northern charity supporting people living with sight loss and a range of other disabilities to go beyond expectations. Henshaws runs a Specialist College, Supported Housing, Community Centres and an Arts & Crafts Centre.
For your copy of the 2021 catalogue head to and download it or for a printed version email the team at