Blue-Green Infrastructure: The case study of Amsterdam’s adaptive smart network of blue-green roofs

DON’T MISS: The case study of Amsterdam’s adaptive smart network of blue-green roofs

  • Date: 8 November 2023
  • Time: 11 AM GMT
  • Duration: 1 hour

Please Join us for an interactive webinar to showcase project RESILIO (Resilience Network of Smart Innovative ClImate-Adapative Rooftops) from Amsterdam. With little space available in the city this innovative project has taken advantage of the unused space on rooftops. Together with eight partners, the municipality of Amsterdam has realised no less than 10,000 m² of smart blue-green roofs in the capital city.

As cities face up to managing the consequences of urban climate adaptation and regeneration, Blue-Green Infrastructure (BGI) / Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) offer new and innovative ways to meet this challenge.

Learn more about the innovative state-of-the-art RESILIO project, including how the hydraulic performance of the Blue-Green roofs have been assessed. The webinar provides insight about the origins, achievements and results of the project and draw parallels to other decentralised BGI options which can be used as alternatives or in combination to BG roofs.

Join us to hear more about this project and have your questions answered live.

Can’t attend live? Register now and we’ll send you the webinar recording.