A successful first Steel Window Association Awards 2024

The winners of the inaugural Steel Window Association (SWA) Awards have been announced at a ceremony in County Hall, London.  These new awards have been created to highlight impressive residential and commercial projects which incorporate steel windows, doors and screens.  The members of the SWA comprise the very best companies in the industry and they assembled to celebrate their achievements, old and new.

Kris Bennell, President of the SWA, started proceedings with a short speech before handing over to John Ramshaw, Technical Editor of Architecture Today, the awards judge, who announced the winners of the Best Domestic and Best Commercial Projects and an Associated member award.

The winners are….

Govette Windows won Best Domestic Project for a house extension in Weybridge, Surrey. “This project impressed in terms of its architectural response – the fenestration perfectly complements the building’s brick and metal skin, while also letting in daylight and prompting views out in all the right places. It also hints at a bygone industrial age, that seems to suit the style of the existing Edwardian house.” John Ramshaw.

West Leigh won Best Commercial Project with the Voysey House, a project which demonstrated what can be achieved when a committed client and a highly knowledgeable and experienced window manufacturer work together. The overall result is stunning, with West Leigh playing a crucial role in returning an architecturally significant building back to its original aesthetic, while providing modern levels of performance.” John Ramshaw.

Steel Window Fittings was presented with the Associated Award as the company’s ironmongery was used in both the winning Best Domestic Project and the Best Commercial Project.

Kris Bennell, President of the SWA comments, “It has been great to highlight the winning projects and see the members being presented with a well-deserved award. This event has also provided us all with a fantastic opportunity to network with our industry peers and hear everyone’s thoughts on the industry – we are all predicting a booming year next year. We hope to have another successful awards event in 2025 where we expect even more entries from our members!”

There will be further media material developed on the winning projects which will go into more detail.

For further information on the Steel Window Association or if you’re interested in becoming a member, please visit www.steel-window-association.co.uk