Workspace at your service

Offering flexibility for tenants, serviced offices are instrumental in supporting the success and growth of businesses, argues Simon Eastlake of Office Space in Town. Agrowing demand for modern, flexible office space with ‘future-facing’ tech capability is prompting small and established... View Article

Retail parks need to shape up

Fighting a losing battle with the internet to attract shoppers, the design of retail parks must evolve to offer consumers a compelling case to visit. Gary Johnson and Paul Starbuck from retail, sport and leisure specialist architects LK2 describe why... View Article

Future Watch – Incubating a zero-carbon idea

An ambitious technology-driven project is underway which sees architects collaborating with the materials sector to find a ‘transparent’ answer to the housing supply dilemma. Sébastien Reed reports The Carbon-Free Group (CFG) was founded in 2007 as a critical response to... View Article

CIAT supports interim Building a Safer Future report

CIAT welcomes and supports the interim report of Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety and looks forward to contributing to the next phase. In response to the interim findings, Alex Naraian PCIAT, President of CIAT, said ‘At... View Article

British Woodworking Federation calls for the creation of a Building Safety Fund

Iain McIlwee, CEO of the British Woodworking Federation statement following the release of the interim Hackitt Review report: “The British Woodworking Federation, whose members manufacture approaching three million fire doors in the UK each year, welcomed Dame Judith Hackitt’s interim recommendations on the regulatory structure, however,... View Article

Shelter comment: Grenfell six months on

Polly Neate, CEO of Shelter, said: “Six months on from the horror of Grenfell and there is still much to be done to aid the survivors and to ensure that nothing like it can ever happen again. “We have seen... View Article

View Point – Nigel Ostime from Hawkins\Brown

Nigel Ostime, project delivery director at architects Hawkins\Brown, offers some thoughts on how to counter the ills of Design & Build using current procurement. There has been much in the media recently about the poor quality achieved through Design &... View Article

RIBA responds to Draft London Plan

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has responded to the publication of Mayor of London’s Draft London Plan. RIBA President Ben Derbyshire said “Me and my team at the RIBA look forward to working with the Mayor of London... View Article

Future Watch – Setting the stage for regeneration

With cities’ night time economy being seen as increasingly important in the future, Tim Foster, partner at Foster Wilson Architects, reflects on how theatre design projects that put placemaking at their core can catalyse regeneration. Following the debate around placemaking... View Article

Site Lines: Master Builders for the 21st century

Bruce Bell of Facit Homes says that the emergence of digital methods of creating buildings means that architects can recapture their former territory as Master Builders. Throughout the 20th century, architects have steadily become further removed from the process of... View Article

Editor’s Comment – December

It is somewhat hard to know what to make of Phillip ‘joker’ Hammond’s recent Budget, given that it contains a lot for housing, as rumoured, and perhaps more than some feared, while at the same time raising yet more questions... View Article