Andre Kikoski Architect completes 75 Kenmare in NoLita

The architecture of 75 Kenmare is about the fundamentals of materiality, solidity, and proportional clarity. Its poetic concrete facade is made out of the simplest of materials and executed with imaginative detailing to create a building with a timeless and... View Article

Sustainable and Ethical Design

There is, rightly, a continuing trend towards sustainability and sustainable design being spearheaded by forward-thinking architects and designers and building product manufacturers all keen to minimise waste in the construction industry. Initiatives and schemes from PEFC™ and FSC® certification through... View Article

Guide to Fire Safety Regulations

Many people perceive fire to be a rare incident, thus the general slack attitude to safety regulations.  However, fire accidents cause thousands of companies to suffer immense devastation each year. In England alone, the Fire and Rescue Services (FRSs) attended... View Article

Sandtex breathes new life into cellar conversion

Developed for use in challenging conditions both inside and out, Sandtex Trade’s X-Treme X-Posure® masonry paint has helped transform a 100-year-old warehouse to create an atmospheric furniture and interior store and a cosy new coffee shop. Located in picturesque Llandeilo, Wales, Davies &... View Article

Acoustic Windows Keep the Peace at former US embassy

When it comes to luxury redevelopments, they don’t come much more complex than former US Embassy building No 1 Grosvenor Square with its rebuilt stone façade, SFS on springs and listed building status. The design and installation of sympathetic timber... View Article

Architects’ activism: How we can build a better 2021

With urban areas perhaps feeling the effects of lockdown most intensely, our built environment may seem an unlikely source of optimism in 2021. However, buildings have an unrivalled capacity to reflect our values as a society, so their design, planning,... View Article

Assisted living and care home exercise

Martin Williams of Saunders explores why it’s integral to build in facilities which promote movement and activity for residents. The pandemic has meant many of the retired population have needed to remain in their homes for safety, sometimes meaning that... View Article

Qualified CIBSE Enthusiasm for Future Homes Progress

The government has published its long-awaited response to the 2019-20 consultation on the Future Homes Standard, which sought views on how best to improve the energy performance of new homes through changes to Part L and Part F of the... View Article

New soffit system delivers fire protection at every level

An advanced and lightweight prefabricated brick slip soffit system from market leader IG Masonry Support, manufactured to meet A1 fire rating regulations and suitable for applications over 18 metres, is now available. It is the B.O.S.S. A1, a prefabricated brick... View Article

Gloucester Cathedral – An Architectural Masterpiece

Dating back to 1089AD this magnificent architectural icon took over 500 years to complete, Gloucester Cathedral (in the west of Britain close to the border with Wales) is a magnificent ex-ample of an English Cathedral built in the Romanesque and... View Article