A. Proctor Group RIBA Approved CPD Seminars

Aimed at Architects, Specifiers and Contractors, attendees will receive technical advice from A. Proctor Group technical experts, providing the latest guidance on British and European Standards, compliance with Building Regulations, and learning on how to maximise performance and avoid potential failures.

Each seminar is available as an in-person seminar provided within practice or as in-depth Online Learning material to support individuals with their Continuing Professional Development.

Our team of construction professionals are available to deliver our range of educational CPD Seminars in person or via an online meeting, at a time and date that fits your schedule. There is a live Q&A session after the presentation.

We currently have 4 educational RIBA assessed CPDs available:

RIBA – Passive House and Low Energy Housing Design

This CPD gives an overview of the Passive House design principles, the benefits they provide in terms of energy performance, and the means by which these benefits are achieved. It also introduces some common fabric first systems and solutions to simplify the process of optimising low energy design using the passive principles.

RIBA – Building Refurbishment: Systems for Retrofit & Conservation

This CPD gives an overview of the factors to consider in refurbishment and conservation projects, including the basics of building physics as related to hygrothermal design. It also provides an overview of the standards, regulations and frameworks involved in designing for retrofit and conservation.

RIBA – Air Leakage and Fire Performance in Facade Systems

This CPD aims to provide an overview of UK and Irish building regulations relating to the compliance of construction membranes, with respect to air leakage and reaction to fire. It will cover adjacent issues of moisture control and hygrothermal assessment, and the implications of air leakage strategies on both energy efficiency and ‘as designed’ vs ‘as-built’ performance.

RIBA – Pitched Roof Design Considerations: Energy, Moisture & Air Permeability

This CPD gives an overview of pitched roof design considerations and regulations in the UK and Ireland, along with discussing the type of construction membranes used as pitched roof underlays and the effect their performance has on design. It also discusses the implications of hygrothermal focused roof design on the overall building energy performance.

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